Griffin Science Symposium
The annual Science Symposium, is integral to the Trust’s Wide Horizon strategy.
Holding a GST Science Symposium is a special opportunity for children and adults to interact and be stimulated by leading scientists and to gain overviews and deeper understanding of current issues and on-going work with regard to how science is, and could in the future help our world to be a better place.

How does the festival manifest itself in school?
Every year the GSS takes the Trust theme and considers the big science questions associated with them – Utopia; Protest; Green Planet – Protecting our World; Celebration – a Festival of Science and Reimagining Community.
Linking with British Science Week, the Royal Institute and universities, students design their own experiments, hypothesise and work with STEM experts in their field, culminating in a one day Science Symposium – link to brochures and photos.
Students have the opportunity to put their questions to scientists, both in the UK and internationally, with the most exciting questions being those which currently have no answer, further sparking curiosity and inspiring exploration for our Griffin scientists of the future.
”The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence
Albert EinsteinTheoretical physicist

GSS 2024
Our eighth symposium continued to develop our science ambition, ensuring pupils had the chance to engage with science in innovative and thought provoking ways, starting with our Ask a Scientist event and continuing with seminar sessions on astrobiology, renewables and engineering to name a selection.
As always we were excited to welcome our guest scientists to the symposium, and very grateful that they were able to volunteer their valuable time in order to be grilled by our young Griffin scientist interviewers.