GSS 2017
This year’s theme is ‘Utopia – how can we make the world a better place?’
The inaugural Griffin School Trust’s Science Symposium took place on Monday 27th March.
With ten Year 6 or Year 7 student representatives from each of the Trust’s 12 schools, along with George Mitchell Primary and Lammas Secondary school.
The Campus welcomed several guests, including Baxter the Open University’s research robot.
Scientists and engineers from John Innes Centre, UCL, Kings College London, Open University, Royal Holloway, Graphene Flagship, Volkswagen and a number of freelance scientists gave up their valuable time helping students with a series of experiments, workshops and tutorials
Symposium Topics
- Biodiversity
- Medical Physics
- Biology
- Engineering
- Automotive Technology
- Nanotechnology
- Virtual Reality
- Robotics
- Environment
The keynote speaker was Anne Edwards from the John Innes Centre whose focus was on biodiversity. In addition to the keynote lecture, Anne delivered experiment sessions on starches.
Images from the 2017 science symposium
”Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done
Robert A. HeinleinAuthor