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GST is a family in a number of important ways:

  • students join with those from other trust schools regularly to compete, co-operate and celebrate;
  • staff work together to share ideas and best practice at all levels in a cross-trust professional community we call Give & Get. Career and personal development opportunities such as a funded Masters programme, leadership training at middle and senior levels are open to everyone which is why so many of our colleagues progress and stay with us. We offer a wide range of continuing professional qualifications including apprenticeships, internships and initial teacher training;
  • families are welcomed into school and several schools have community cafes where parents can make friends and learn about how their children learn;
  • heads are a strong source of support for one another and for the CEO as leaders of the GST vision. They are generous in their sharing and exceptional in the absence of competition – though rivalry through our festivals and traditions can be fierce. The annual heads’ residential is hugely valued, personally and professionally;
  • local governors work across two or three schools, providing support and challenge to Heads, a voice for the local community and important feedback to the GST Board through regular meetings with the Chair;
  • trustees inform their non-executive leadership of the trust by periodic joint strategic planning meetings and MAT self-evaluation with the Heads and the CEO’s team. They also enhance school and trust executive leadership through sharing their professional expertise in business, consulting, media and academia.

If you are considering joining a trust and are looking to increase your field of influence, please get in touch and have a conversation with our CEO or approach the Head of your nearest school. Confidentiality and honesty are guaranteed.

Our Trust

Read about our Trust and how it is made up

Our Vision

Read about our mission and the three pillars that shape everything we do