December 14th saw the culmination of our first whole Trust spelling bee with the grand final taking place.
The competition started in September with over 1750 pupils taking part from Y5, Y6 and Y7 across our 12 schools. After three tough in-school heats and some nail-biting tie-breakers, the 12 worthy finalists prepared to go head-to-head for the last time.
We knew that whatever the outcome of this final round would be, the 12 finalists are already their school’s champions and GST Spellebrities and can be extremely and justly proud of their achievement.
After a challenging few knock-out rounds we were left with 3 schools – Nicholas Chamberlaine, Park Lane Primary and Race Leys Junior Schools.
The final outcome was:
1st place – Park Lane
2nd place – Race Leys
3rd place – Nicholas Chamberlaine
Congratulations to our 3 overall champions and to everyone who took part. Prizes and certificates will be presented to all 12 finalists in January 2023.