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What a wonderful week it’s been across our family of schools for the Griffin Arts Festival! Our students have celebrated the arts and explored the theme of reimagining community through a packed programme of events and activities.

From artwork inspired by our communities from above to create maps of the entire GST footprint to delving into local history and discovering themes of kindness and determination which were recreated through drama activities.

For our day of music, our youngest musicians watched the opera Green Eggs and Ham, while our primary students embarked on a musical adventure called the Winter House, narrated by Stephen Fry. Our secondary students followed in the footsteps of Kae Tempest and wrote their own raps based on the theme of ‘dreams for a community’.

Our students have also explored communities through the written word, and today they focused on design to reshape, redesign and reimagine. Primary students had fun recreating famous works of art using found materials, while our secondary students looked to their school for inspiration to reimagine how they could reshape a field for a festival.

Take a look below at some of the amazing work and activities from GAF this week! To see more highlights from across our festival, check out the hashtag #GriffinArtsFestival on twitter and facebook.

For the second week of GAF (5-9th July), students will explore the theme in their school hub communities. We’ll also be announcing the Music Medal and Drama Medal competition winners next week, so stay tuned for more exciting updates!

The GAF Team

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